
introductionThe Forest Education program was first developed in 2013 as a way for the NSFA to better achieve their goal of ensuring that natural resources education, with a specific focus on forestry, is available to all students in Nova Scotia.

The concept behind the Forest Education program is for the NSFA to work as a liaison for Nova Scotia’s educators; enabling them with the resources and knowledge needed so they are able to better understand and be more successful when teaching about the forest environment and natural resource management, the forest industry and the associated career opportunities.

At the NSFA, we do not limit the forest to just trees trees; therefore, we are interested in offering resources and knowledge in the following areas:

  • Forest & Trees
  • Wildlife & Habitats
  • Soils & Land Uses
  • Aquatic Life & Watercourses
  • Environmental Issues
  • Career Opportunities

We are open to ideas and opportunities. We are looking to determine so of the best ways we can expose kids to the natural world and get more natural resources education into Nova Scotia schools.